Fish Oil 101

The one supplement I recommend to my clients over and over again is fish oil. Fish oil pills (or algae derivied pills for those who are plant based) have a variety of health benefits ranging from improving metabolism and depression all the way to helping those with advance neurological diseases. These omega 3 supplements are the most potent anti-inflammatory pills we have. But how can fish oil help me? How much do I need to take? What does the science say?

 Omega 3 vs Omega 6

Today, nearly 80% our fat intake comes from omega 6 fatty acids commonly found in conventionally raised meat, fried foods, and hydrogenated oils. However research suggests that if you eat the right kind of fat (Omega 3!) you can shed weight, improve your hormonal health, and reverse chronic disease. Fats found in hemp seeds, walnuts, algae,  grass fed meat, and fish are loaded with these beneficial Omega 3s. While vegetable oils such as canola, sunflower, soybean, and palm oil claim to be healthy, these fats just cause inflammation and free radical damage which contribute to autoimmune disease and depression. Omega 3s, on the otherhand, not only improve wellbeing in autoimmune patients' reports of pain, fatigue, and neurologic function, but also help treat depression and bipolar disorder. In fact a report from British Journal of Psychiatry gave one prison group recommended daily amounts of vitamins and omega 3 fats, and told the other group to avoid taking other supplements. Consuming the vitamin and fish oil supplements reduced felony-related violent crime among the prisoners by 37 percent! Dietary supplementation with omega-3  fatty acids is a safe, cost effective medicine that has shown protection against and treatment for several neurologic disorders. 

Omega 3s for Hormone Health 

Scientists have found a correlation between increased menstrual pain and high omega-6 concentrations in the blood, which happens when omega-3 intake is too low. Cramping occurs when cell membranes release omega-6 fatty acids, which then produce proinflammatory cytokines. 

Struggle with infertility or cystic acne? Research sugggest that women who regularly consume fish oil or an algae derived formula have a better possibility of conceiving and less risk of miscarriage during pregnancy. Studies also suggest that fish oil can help improve cystic acne by decreasing inflammation in skin pores. 

Omega 3s and Metabolism

The omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) found only in fish oils effect leptin, a hormone that regulates metabolic rate. Eating certain types of cold-water fish and/or supplementing with algae has been shown to boost metabolism by as much as 400 calories per day! In addition to increasing metabolic rate, Omega 3 fats improve insulin resistance. When you are insulin resistant, your body does not properly metabolize sugar and you are more prone to weight gain and diabetes from a diet high in refined carbohydrates.

Suggestion for Use

If you are struggling any inflammatory condition or are interested in disease prevention, I highly recommend supplementing with a quality fish oil such as Nordic Naturals or an algae derived supplement from Dr. Furhman. Make sure you take at least 2000 grams of omega 3 (Should include both EPA & DHA.)


Juicing 101

If you're reading this blog you've probably heard alot about juicing. One doctor claims it cures all ailments, another says it causes a massive insulin spike and reaks havoc on your health. In my opinion, both of these claims are true. What are you saying, Laura!? Let's delve a little deeper into the juicing phenomenon. 

Why juicing is GOOD? 

Juicing extracts the juice from fruits and vegetables and enables you to better absorb the micronutrients (vitamins and antioxidants) from the vegetable. Take for example kale. Kale is a wonderfully nutrious vegetable loaded with vitamin K, calcium, and other phytochemicals. Yet because Kale is so loaded with fiber and is a crucifuerous vegetable, it can be difficult for some people to absorb all the chemicals (and if we're keeping it 100% honest, makes my stomach go a little nuts)! Juicing enables people to up there micronutrient intake without the GI distress that some people experience with all those healthy green cruciferous vegetables (think swiss chard, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli). Juicing, especially juicing raw vegetables, will not spike your blood sugar and actually FEEDS good bacteria in the gut! As we know vegetables are some of the best PREBIOTIC foods. Healthy gut = healthy life ;). Juicing is also an amazing way to detox or strip all those nasty chemicals we encounter everyday from the body (think mercury from fish, air pollution, chemicals from makeup products). More detoxification means lessened cholesterol, better skin, and decreased cancer risk.  

Why juicing can be BAD? 

Ok juicing is the panacea of health! I will juice all day everday! Not so fast..... While juicing has amazing benefits, because we are stripping the fiber and protein away from the juice we are losing some of the key macronutrients we need in vegetables to fuel our muscles and power our brains. Also, if we juice too much fruit, we risk increasing our insulin levels. Too much insulin is not good for a variety of health issues including diabetes, high blood pressure, metabolic diseases etc.. As always its important to eat your food and not just drink it. A vegetable only juice or juice with very limited fruit is ideal and can prevent any issues that you may experience from juicing.

Who is juicing good for?

Ever wonder why gatorade became so famous. Well it's not just the marketing people! Gatorade was so popular for athletes because during intense workouts our bodies excrete essential electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, as well as b vitamins. When we replenish these nutrients post workout we feel SOOO much better. This is why juicing is the ideal post workout elixir. If you're an athlete or simply a mom needed a boost post hot yoga, juicing can not only improve performance but also improve recovery time. Better recovery means better workouts and more energy. 

Juicing is also perfect for those people with digestive issues. If you experience extreme bloating, nausea, constipation, etc. from green vegetables you might want to reevaluate loading your plates with huge mounds of cruciferous veggies. Granted, most people will feel a bit bloated from eating tons of veggies, but if you have stomach pain that interferes with your life or prevents you from working out, it might be time to gradually start adding juicing to the mix. (Side note: if you are experiencing pain from raw cruciferous veggies in your salad, you may want to switch to equally healthy but less "tummy troubling" green vegetables like cucumber, romaine lettuce, & spinach.) 

What's all this I hear about CELERY JUICE? 

Celery juice is incredibly beneficial for increasing stomach acid. Stomach acid is essential for helping your body break down food, especially protein. What does this mean to me? Research shows that drinking 16 ounces of celery juice in the morning upon waking can be very beneficial for reducing GI issues such as bloating and indigestion. Suffer from Thyroid Disease? Celery juice is effective at increasing the acid in your stomach. This is a good thing for people with thyroid disease!

Research indicates that people with low thyroid function often have low stomach acid and therefore have huge problems digesting protein. When I was in high school, I was I was gaining weigh rapidly (even though I had the diet of an anorexic), had massive anxiety, and lost my monthly periods completely. After going plant based and incorporating juice in my life, my thyroid antibodies went from 245 (SUPER HIGH) to 0 (normal). 

Besides thyroid disease, celery juice is also helpful for a variety of other conditions including acne, eczema, and arthritis. Celery juice is a natural anti-inflammatory tonic that markedly decreases inflammtion in the gut. Inflammation in the gut increases your risk of developing an autoimmune disease. This is why I advise people with autoimmune type symptoms to increase their intake of juices. 

The best juice (for most people...)

There are alot of affordable juice options for people who can't afford to juice on the daily. Typcially you can find organic Suja or Evolution Fresh juice at the local grocery store for $3-4 a pop. If you are able to make your own juice and high blood sugar or want to lose weight, I suggest drinking a vegetable based juice with lemon or lime. However, if you are an athlete or have trouble gaining weight, feel free to use fruit in your juices. Ultimately, the best juice for you is the one that works for your body. If you don't want to juice at all, that's fine! Just make sure you are eating all your leafy greens. Listen and make choices that work for YOU.

Probiotics 101

Today I am launching the start of the 101 Series on Elle Healing. Each week I will talk about a new health and wellness issue or topic and give my advice on said trend (using the latest science of course!) 

Today I'm talking all about probiotics. We all hear that we need these amazing pills for gut and immune health, but what should we actually take? Do I need to take one of these babies everyday? What about kombucha? Why may I feel more bloating, nausea or (cough, cough)irregularity while on probiotics? 


Probiotics are little pills of microorganisms that feed the good bacterial in the gut. Basically, probiotics decrease the likelihood that you will have bad microorganisms in your gut. Bad microorganisms in the gut = more prone to allergies, autoimmune issues, and most notably gastrointestinal issues. Probiotics are also found in fermented food such as tempeh and fermented veggies. 


  • Having been on so MANY antibiotics and therefore probiotics in the past for kidney issues and then lyme disease, I know firsthand that not all probiotics are the same. Probiotic supplements should contain species, strains and the number of viable organisms per dose (at least 20 billion, expressed as colony forming units or CFUs) that have been tested and proven to be effective. Product packaging should ensure an effective level of live bacteria through the “best by” or expiration date. In addition, many probiotics can contain dairy. I highly recommend dairy-free probiotic supplements as dairy causes inflammatory issues for many of my clients. 


The best pharmaceutical grade probiotic is VSL #3. It is quite pricey but it is what doctors prescribe to patients with Chrons disease and ulcerative colitis. Because it is expensive and strong, I recccomend taking just a tiny bit of the packet and working up GRADUALLY. This is critical. If you increase the dose too quickly you can experience more abdominal distress and what is known as "herxing" or die off of bad bacteria. Symptoms of die off include fatigue, muscle aches, and stomach pain. If you want a less strong probiotic you can also try Dr. Furhman's Flora Biotech, a wonderful low dose strain if you are just trying to maintain optimal health. 


If I have a client that is struggling with issues and has been taking lots of different probiotics and kombucha (a drink that actually is sugary and carbonated and can make matters worse), I often suggest that you back down from taking any probiotics. While probiotics are great and can eventually be added in (if it works for the client), sometimes your body just needs a break! In the end you NEED to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Do what feels good to you! 


Laura is Healing

Hello all! Welcome to Elle Healing! My name is Laura and I am a integrative nutrition wellness coach with a passion for helping people feel WELL.  On my blog I will share my own healing journey and some helpful tips in achieving optimal health  as well as well as the the latest trends in the health and wellness industry.

Do you feel sick all the time? Feel uncomfortable in your body? Want to lose weight? Have less acne? Stop your daily migraines? Balance your hormones? Decrease joint pain?

I have been there- I have struggled with debilitating fibromyalgia pain, had 40 extra pounds to lose, experienced awful headaches with disequilibrium, and was in hormonal chaos. It has taken years of exploration, scientific research, and self-discovery but I have finally found numerous healing modalities. Through nutritional therapy, acupuncture, herbs, cryotherapy, and allopathic measures, I have found numerous complementary therapies that have WORKED for me on my path to healing.  I want others to HEAL as I HEALED myself and continue to HEAL with my daily self-care practices. And now I know my purpose is to help YOU! 

Why I Cryo?

21- an age of freedom, fun, and adventure. But for me, 21 will forever be one of the hardest years of my life. It was April of 2015. I was a senior in college at GW and so excited for the possibilities of post grad life. I was applying to graduate programs, interviewing for jobs, and embracing the health and wellness culture of DC. Practicing yoga, running, and eating plant based was just my way of life- and I felt AMAZING. But after one long day of volunteer park cleanup at the National Mall, I didn’t feel so good. I soon noticed a throbbing painful bite on my leg. As the days passed, I just felt OFF so even though I despise doctors visits, I decided to head to the minute clinic. They quickly dismissed the mark as a spider bite and sent me on my way back to classes. But as the days progressed, my condition worsened. I could now barely walk, and I was too weak to take a shower or eat. After 7 days and three ER visits, I was finally diagnosed with neurological lyme disease.

Although I tried for over a year to take numerous antibiotics and herbs, I just could not tolerate any drugs well. I went to neurologists, physical therapists, rheumatologists, infectious disease doctors, primary care physicians, all to no avail. It was as though my body was rejecting anything I was ever doing to heal it. My dizziness was severe, my neuropathic pain was still noticeable, and my glands were constantly swollen. In search for new approaches to holistic health care, I discovered upper cervical chiropractic care. My doctor used subtle manipulations of the upper spine/ neck to reset the nervous system. She also used cryotherapy, 3 minute cold therapy sessions to reduce inflammation in the body and help your body hold chiropractic adjustments. I knew that I had responded well to gentle techniques like massage and acupuncture so I figured, “what the heck, it’s kinda crazy looking but it’s worth a shot!”

At first I didn’t notice much of a difference from cryo. But I was only going once a week so I figured if I wanted to give it a fair shot I might as well try going 5 days a week for a month. And I’m sure as hell am glad I did! After a month of consistent cryotherapy, I saw marked decrease in my overall fibro-like pain, had sounder sleep, decreased glandular swelling, and my less lightheadedness. It was as though my body was finally utilizing its own internal mechanisms to heal rather than relying on outside sources to feel better. After nearly 2 years of suffering, cryotherapy coupled with acupuncture and massage gave my body the boost it needed so desperately to start healing from within.

In these times of stress, demanding work culture, and overall wordly chaos, we often forget to take a step back, take time for ourselves, and really take CARE of our bodies. I never imagined that suddenly my health could be taken from me. But there is a light! Whether you are simply suffering from post workout muscle fatigue or have something more debilitating like a severe autoimmune or rheumatological disease, I encourage you to try cryotherapy. It might take a few FREEZES, but your body might just thank you.

Laura is the owner of PLATINUM CRYOTHERAPY: A Cryotherapy and Infrared Sauna business in Newtown, PA.