The one supplement I recommend to my clients over and over again is fish oil. Fish oil pills (or algae derivied pills for those who are plant based) have a variety of health benefits ranging from improving metabolism and depression all the way to helping those with advance neurological diseases. These omega 3 supplements are the most potent anti-inflammatory pills we have. But how can fish oil help me? How much do I need to take? What does the science say?
Omega 3 vs Omega 6
Today, nearly 80% our fat intake comes from omega 6 fatty acids commonly found in conventionally raised meat, fried foods, and hydrogenated oils. However research suggests that if you eat the right kind of fat (Omega 3!) you can shed weight, improve your hormonal health, and reverse chronic disease. Fats found in hemp seeds, walnuts, algae, grass fed meat, and fish are loaded with these beneficial Omega 3s. While vegetable oils such as canola, sunflower, soybean, and palm oil claim to be healthy, these fats just cause inflammation and free radical damage which contribute to autoimmune disease and depression. Omega 3s, on the otherhand, not only improve wellbeing in autoimmune patients' reports of pain, fatigue, and neurologic function, but also help treat depression and bipolar disorder. In fact a report from British Journal of Psychiatry gave one prison group recommended daily amounts of vitamins and omega 3 fats, and told the other group to avoid taking other supplements. Consuming the vitamin and fish oil supplements reduced felony-related violent crime among the prisoners by 37 percent! Dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids is a safe, cost effective medicine that has shown protection against and treatment for several neurologic disorders.
Omega 3s for Hormone Health
Scientists have found a correlation between increased menstrual pain and high omega-6 concentrations in the blood, which happens when omega-3 intake is too low. Cramping occurs when cell membranes release omega-6 fatty acids, which then produce proinflammatory cytokines.
Struggle with infertility or cystic acne? Research sugggest that women who regularly consume fish oil or an algae derived formula have a better possibility of conceiving and less risk of miscarriage during pregnancy. Studies also suggest that fish oil can help improve cystic acne by decreasing inflammation in skin pores.
Omega 3s and Metabolism
The omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) found only in fish oils effect leptin, a hormone that regulates metabolic rate. Eating certain types of cold-water fish and/or supplementing with algae has been shown to boost metabolism by as much as 400 calories per day! In addition to increasing metabolic rate, Omega 3 fats improve insulin resistance. When you are insulin resistant, your body does not properly metabolize sugar and you are more prone to weight gain and diabetes from a diet high in refined carbohydrates.
Suggestion for Use
If you are struggling any inflammatory condition or are interested in disease prevention, I highly recommend supplementing with a quality fish oil such as Nordic Naturals or an algae derived supplement from Dr. Furhman. Make sure you take at least 2000 grams of omega 3 (Should include both EPA & DHA.)