Today I am launching the start of the 101 Series on Elle Healing. Each week I will talk about a new health and wellness issue or topic and give my advice on said trend (using the latest science of course!)
Today I'm talking all about probiotics. We all hear that we need these amazing pills for gut and immune health, but what should we actually take? Do I need to take one of these babies everyday? What about kombucha? Why may I feel more bloating, nausea or (cough, cough)irregularity while on probiotics?
Probiotics are little pills of microorganisms that feed the good bacterial in the gut. Basically, probiotics decrease the likelihood that you will have bad microorganisms in your gut. Bad microorganisms in the gut = more prone to allergies, autoimmune issues, and most notably gastrointestinal issues. Probiotics are also found in fermented food such as tempeh and fermented veggies.
- Having been on so MANY antibiotics and therefore probiotics in the past for kidney issues and then lyme disease, I know firsthand that not all probiotics are the same. Probiotic supplements should contain species, strains and the number of viable organisms per dose (at least 20 billion, expressed as colony forming units or CFUs) that have been tested and proven to be effective. Product packaging should ensure an effective level of live bacteria through the “best by” or expiration date. In addition, many probiotics can contain dairy. I highly recommend dairy-free probiotic supplements as dairy causes inflammatory issues for many of my clients.
The best pharmaceutical grade probiotic is VSL #3. It is quite pricey but it is what doctors prescribe to patients with Chrons disease and ulcerative colitis. Because it is expensive and strong, I recccomend taking just a tiny bit of the packet and working up GRADUALLY. This is critical. If you increase the dose too quickly you can experience more abdominal distress and what is known as "herxing" or die off of bad bacteria. Symptoms of die off include fatigue, muscle aches, and stomach pain. If you want a less strong probiotic you can also try Dr. Furhman's Flora Biotech, a wonderful low dose strain if you are just trying to maintain optimal health.
If I have a client that is struggling with issues and has been taking lots of different probiotics and kombucha (a drink that actually is sugary and carbonated and can make matters worse), I often suggest that you back down from taking any probiotics. While probiotics are great and can eventually be added in (if it works for the client), sometimes your body just needs a break! In the end you NEED to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Do what feels good to you!