By far the number one craving I see when working with clients is CHOCOLATE. For many people, chocolate is truly addicting. But, it doesn't have to be a bad addiction at all! In fact, organic dark chocolate or cacao powder is extremely nutrient rich. In fact, there are biological reasons why we may be craving that comforting chocolate bar. Let's dig deeper.
Chocolate has powerful polyphenols which aid in improving vascular health. Better vascular health helps protect against cardiovascular disease and also improves insulin sensitivity. Chocolate also has gut healthy prebiotic fiber which feeds the good bacteria in your tummy. This makes bathroom visits more regular and stomach troubles more infrequent. Ever get an energy boost after eating chocolate? Chocolate contains theobromine, which unlike caffeine, does not affect the central nervous system. The result: a gentler, calmer energy boost without the anxiety or giddiness.
But by far my favorite component of cacao is its ample magnesium content. Magnesium is involved in over 300 hundred detoxification enzymes in the body. These enzymes help to give you sustained energy and even repair damaged DNA. This means cancer and Alzheimer's prevention!
A deficiency in magnesium can cause muscle spasms, tremors, anxiety, Raynaud's syndrome, and even cardiac arrhythmias. Sadly, however, over 50 percent of the population is deficient in magnesium. This is because magnesium is often hard to find in foods. Not to fear though! Chocolate contains 20% of your recommended daily value of magnesium only short of leafy greens, which are magnesium powerhouses. This is because magnesium is found in chlorophyll, the amazing molecule that gives veggies that deep green hue. Moreover, one recent study showed that the brains scans of people who ate just two servings of leafy greens a day appeared eleven years younger! I'll eat a salad to that!
How can magnesium help me?
Besides helping for a variety of ailments such as the ones listed above or MS and fibromyalgia, increasing magnesium through food and supplementation may just do you wonders? Do you suffer from tension headaches, poor sleep, irregular bathrooms visits, or muscles soreness post workouts? Magnesium may be your ticket. I recommend 350-400 mg of magnesium per day, but always check with your doctor to see what will work best for you! Magnesium is generally safe but should be monitored if you suffer from a kidney condition. If you suffer from more neurological-based ailments, I would consider the supplement Neuro-Mag by Life Extension, It has aided me immensely on my healing journey.
Peace & Chocolate