GUT Feelings

Hi all! I've been super busy with the end of my grad school semester and haven't had the chance to write a blog post in quite some time. So today I've decided to delve into a topic that is super relevant for people- gut health.

So many people I chat with on a daily basis have some kind of gut issue. Whether they have extreme indigestion, bloating, skin issues, anxiety, weight gain, irregularity etc,. all of these issues can be linked to our microbiome. 

What is this microbiome?

Our gut is made of about 90 trillion bacterial cells, some of which are good and support immunity, and others of which are bad and can lead to a host of diseases and health issues. The human microbiome is basically the ecological community that is found in each one of us. We need a healthy gut to feel good! But today due to overuse of antibiotics, poor eating habits, unresolved parasitic & bacterial infections, and even birth control pills, the delicate balance of our microbiome is in turmoil. These inputs can increase yeast and candida and cause the release of substance P, which induces many skin conditions. OK, yikes?! But what can I do about it?


Were you on constant antibiotics as a kid? Do you have a history of ear infections, sinus infection or UTIs?  If this is the case then it may be time to repopulate your gut with plentiful bacteria. Think prebiotic foods such as leafy greens, onions, garlic, potato, plantains, etc. For probiotics try VSL #3. To stave off yeast, stay clear of sugar and high carbohydrate processed foods. 

Poor eating habits: 

Are you are addicted to carb loaded food or alcohol? Do you eat lots of dairy and gluten? Did you  drink tons of diet soda as a kid (ME, thanks Mom lol!) and now have a super slow metabolism? If any of these statements describe your current or past situation, you may have a major imbalance in your gut!

When I have clients that have tried every diet in the book yet still have major weight loss issues, I usually look to the gut. It has been well studied now that aritficial sweeteners such as aspartame disrupt the microbiome and contribute to weight gain and skin conditions.  In order to repopulate your gut with good bacteria I not only recommend taking a high potency VSL type of product, but also suggest fueling your body with lots of prebiotic foods such as squash, sweet potatoes, asparagus, legumes, and seeds.

If you do not have weight issues but experience extreme, bloating, constipation, or indigestion after your meals, I usually look at examining food intolerances. Although the most common culprits are gluten and dairy, for other people eggs, soy, corn or nuts could be the issue. Rather than eliminating every single food under the sun, I recommend starting with gluten and dairy and logging your stomach symptoms post meals for 2 weeks.

Another thing to try is a low fodmap diet. FODMAPs is an acronym (abbreviation) referring to Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. These are complex names for a collection of molecules found in food, that can be poorly absorbed by some people

  • Excess Fructose: Honey, Apples, Mango, Pear, Watermelon, High Fructose Corn Syrup

  • Fructans: Artichokes (Globe), Artichokes(Jerusalem), Garlic (in large amounts), Leek, Onion (brown, white, Spanish, onion powder), Spring Onion (white part), Shallots, Wheat (in large amounts), Rye (in large amounts), Barley (in large amounts), Inulin, Fructo-oligosaccharides.

  • Lactose: Milk, icecream, custard, dairy desserts, condensed and evaporated milk, milk powder, yoghurt, soft unripened cheeses (eg. ricotta, cottage, cream, marscarpone).

  • Galacto-Oligosaccharides (GOS): Legume beans (eg. baked beans, kidney beans, bortolotti beans), Lentils, Chickpeas

  • Polyols: Apples, Apricots, Nectarines, Pears, Plums, Prunes, Mushrooms, sorbitol (420), mannitol (421), xylitol (967), maltitol (965) and isomalt (953).

For some people, a low fodmap diet can be miraculous. As always, listen to YOUR body. Something as simple as a banana could cause major issues for one person, and make another person feel great! 

Unresolved infections (parasitic, bacterial, etc.):

When people are experiencing gut issues coupled with neurological issues such as SEVERE fatigue, depression, brain fog, severe anxiety unrelated to menstrual cycle, lightheadedness, headaches, and bodily aches, I begin to look at more complex issues such as unresolved infections. In this circumstance, I recommend that my clients go to a functional medicine infectious disease physician that can work to resolve these issues using both dietary interventions and pharmaceutical drugs. 

Birth Control Pills: 

Do you notice extreme digestion issues and bloating with your birth control? Do you have horrible mood swings? Have you been on birth control for 5+ years? 

Studies show that oral contraceptives impact gut flora, adversely affecting estrogen metabolism, with all its detrimental consequences, including weight-loss resistance. The pill also increases your risk for inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease; in fact, two large prospective cohort studies of American women linked oral contraceptive use with Crohn’s. We’re unsure exactly why oral contraceptives trigger inflammatory conditions like Crohn’s, but researchers think that zapped immune function, an out-of-balance gut bacteria, and increased intestinal permeability (AKA leaky gut) are potential causes (Mindbody Green).

Thinking about getting off of birth control but don't know where to start or have worries about getting pregnant? The non-hormonal IUD is a great place to start, as well as good old condoms. If you are adamant about staying on your current birth control regime and think that may be contributing to GI distress or inflammation in your body, I recommend doing additional detox regimes such as cryotherapy sessions, Omega 3 & curcumin supplementation, exercising regularly, and getting adequate sleep (8 hours/ night)!

Closing Thoughts!

When it comes to gut health, there could be a variety of reasons that you are continuously experiencing symptoms. Understand that health is not an end goal but a continuum. Experiment with what works for you. Trust your instincts. Follow your gut ;)
