As you may know, my diet is mostly vegan. But there are some things ( ENTER: COLLAGEN) that I find too beneficial not to include in my diet. I first came across collagen when reading about the benefits of this protein on a beauty blog. The article discussed how collagen can be great for your hair, skin, and nails. While having a beautiful exterior is certainly great, I wanted to delve deeper. If collagen is doing these things for your outside, what else could it be doing for your inside?
Around 30% of the protein in our bodies is made of collagen goodness. Collagen is needed for a variety of functions in our bodies including preventing bone loss, maintaining a healthy digestive system, and improving skin elasticity and hydration.
Other benefits of collagen include
Reducing full body inflammation
“Glycine, the most abundant amino acid in collagen, is a well-documented cytoprotective amino acid and has been shown to be anti-inflammatory, protect gastric mucosa and enhance enterocyte (intestinal lining cells) function (R). A healthy mucosal lining is essential for the production of gastric juices (including hydrochloric acid) and maintaining digestive enzyme balances.”-Max Lugavere
Can BOOST metabolism
Recent studies suggest that collagen can boost metabolism and fat loss. A recent study took 27 frail men and gave them supplemental collagen over 12 weeks. Compared to the placebo group, the collagen group gained signicantly more muscle mass and strength. (20).
Protects Heart Health
Proline is a unique amino acid present in collagen and is beneficial for a variety of cardiovascular factors. Firstly, proline helps to literally shrink the fat in the arteries. This is great news for your blood pressure and for your risk of chronic heart disease. Secondly, the amino acid arginine, also present in collagen aids in the production of nitric oxide.(12) Nitric oxide helps greatly in improving vasodilation and blood circulation throughout the body. Great news for your heart!
Bottom line: If you are interested in the health of your hair, skin, heart, nails, gut, or metabolism, collagen could be a good thing to add to your regimen.
Here’s a great Dr. Axe video on collagen & its benefits. Enjoy!