Hi All! Craziness in my life lately has had me craving some r&r. I can always tell when I need to de-stress. My body gets puffy and inflamed, my digestion gets out of whack, and my energy is totally lackluster. I suffer from low cortisol levels. And although that may sound like a good thing, you really need some cortisol to feel good, energized, and pain free. In order to manage those cortisol levels, I do a couple things routinely that help me get my body back on track:
1. Acupuncture and Cupping: Acupuncture has literally been a godsend for me. It always makes me feel less stressed and more calm. On top of that, it literally helps my muscle pain more than anything else (it releases endorphins people:) )! I got into acupuncture after suffering for five years with PCOS. I will definitely do a post later just on the benefits I received from acupuncture because I could go on and on.
2. Get that sleep: It may seem silly, but 7-9 hours of sleep is necessary every night. No excuses. It is literally more important than exercise for your health. It is the time when your brain cells regenerate and your body restores and repairs. Having trouble sleeping? Try chamomile tea or chelated magnesium before bed.
3. Epsom salt baths: Baths seem all the rage these days with the rise of rainbow heart shaped bath bombs and scented pink bath salts. While I'm not knocking these, I mean who doesn't love a beautiful tub, to get the relaxation benefits of Epsom salt you just need to buy the cheap stuff from CVS or target. You also need to use a lot (minimum 1 cup). I used to do about three of these baths a week but with the stress I've been dealing with recently, my nightly routine got all out of whack. Need to get back into this ASAP because I notice such a big difference when I take this meditative time for myself.
4. Kava kava root: I first got into to Kava kava root extract 4 years ago. I was in an Alternative Medicine class at GW and my professor, the badass that she is, passed around kava kava root extract for everyone to try before a big test. The calm that came over me was UNREAL. Ever since then I keep a little bottle at home. I don't take it super regularly but when I'm feeling exceptionally overwhelmed and stressed, I take a little bit of the tincture.
5. Exercise: Working out for me is like popping an antidepressant. Seriously. It has taken me out of some pretty dark places. Do whatever works for you, but I recommend incorporating some yoga into your life to work on breath work and meditation.
6. Saunas: Sweating is one of the most cleansing and refreshing things you can do for your body. I find that incorporating regular sauna use into my routine helps me not only ward off infections but also feel cleansed and calm. Although infrared saunas are preferred, even steam rooms or traditional saunas have a benefit.
7. Nutritarian Diet Plan: When I eat oil free, salt free and vegan I truly feel my absolute best. It reduces inflammation so quickly and so efficiently for my body. When my body is less inflamed and loaded with micronutrients, I feel so much better inside and out! I recommend giving it a try for six weeks if you are feeling stuck.