Why I Cryo?

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21- an age of freedom, fun, and adventure. But for me, 21 will forever be one of the hardest years of my life. It was April of 2015. I was a senior in college at GW and so excited for the possibilities of post grad life. I was applying to graduate programs, interviewing for jobs, and embracing the health and wellness culture of DC. Practicing yoga, running, and eating plant based was just my way of life- and I felt AMAZING. But after one long day of volunteer park cleanup at the National Mall, I didn’t feel so good. I soon noticed a throbbing painful bite on my leg. As the days passed, I just felt OFF so even though I despise doctors visits, I decided to head to the minute clinic. They quickly dismissed the mark as a spider bite and sent me on my way back to classes. But as the days progressed, my condition worsened. I could now barely walk, and I was too weak to take a shower or eat. After 7 days and three ER visits, I was finally diagnosed with neurological lyme disease.

Although I tried for over a year to take numerous antibiotics and herbs, I just could not tolerate any drugs well. I went to neurologists, physical therapists, rheumatologists, infectious disease doctors, primary care physicians, all to no avail. It was as though my body was rejecting anything I was ever doing to heal it. My dizziness was severe, my neuropathic pain was still noticeable, and my glands were constantly swollen. In search for new approaches to holistic health care, I discovered upper cervical chiropractic care. My doctor used subtle manipulations of the upper spine/ neck to reset the nervous system. She also used cryotherapy, 3 minute cold therapy sessions to reduce inflammation in the body and help your body hold chiropractic adjustments. I knew that I had responded well to gentle techniques like massage and acupuncture so I figured, “what the heck, it’s kinda crazy looking but it’s worth a shot!”

At first I didn’t notice much of a difference from cryo. But I was only going once a week so I figured if I wanted to give it a fair shot I might as well try going 5 days a week for a month. And I’m sure as hell am glad I did! After a month of consistent cryotherapy, I saw marked decrease in my overall fibro-like pain, had sounder sleep, decreased glandular swelling, and my less lightheadedness. It was as though my body was finally utilizing its own internal mechanisms to heal rather than relying on outside sources to feel better. After nearly 2 years of suffering, cryotherapy coupled with acupuncture and massage gave my body the boost it needed so desperately to start healing from within.

In these times of stress, demanding work culture, and overall wordly chaos, we often forget to take a step back, take time for ourselves, and really take CARE of our bodies. I never imagined that suddenly my health could be taken from me. But there is a light! Whether you are simply suffering from post workout muscle fatigue or have something more debilitating like a severe autoimmune or rheumatological disease, I encourage you to try cryotherapy. It might take a few FREEZES, but your body might just thank you.

Laura is the owner of PLATINUM CRYOTHERAPY: A Cryotherapy and Infrared Sauna business in Newtown, PA. 

Laura is Healing


Hello all! Welcome to Elle Healing! My name is Laura and I am a integrative nutrition wellness coach with a passion for helping people feel WELL.  On my blog I will share my own healing journey and some helpful tips in achieving optimal health  as well as well as the the latest trends in the health and wellness industry.

Do you feel sick all the time? Feel uncomfortable in your body? Want to lose weight? Have less acne? Stop your daily migraines? Balance your hormones? Decrease joint pain?

I have been there- I have struggled with debilating fibromylagia pain, had 40 extra pounds to lose, experienced awful headaches with disequilibrium, and was in hormonal chaos. It has taken years of exploration, scientific research, and self-discovery but I have finally found numerous healing modalities. Through nutritional therapy, acupuncture, herbs, cryotherapy, and allopathic measures, I have found numerous complementary therapies that have WORKED for me on my path to healing.  I want others to HEAL as I HEALED myself and continue to HEAL with my daily self-care practices. And now I know my purpose is to help YOU!